A Laughing Matter

Laughter is key, right? It can soothe, break the ice, clear away nerves, make you realize you’re hitting it off, remind you why you’re the best of friends, and if you really get going, it can even make you gasp and cry from the sheer exertion of it. There’s that saying that it requires fewer muscles to smile than to frown. I like that. We only have to take the path of least resistance to get there.

Cousin Laughter.

I wrote in my second guest post for ProfeConnect that in a TEFL classroom, laughter can also erupt when we try to convey meaning. Whether or not we do so successfully, the results can be equally entertaining. Because we, as teachers, will go to absurd lengths to make sure our students understand (and, as I write in the post, dance moves are not out of the question). I’m not sure if e.e. cummings ever taught, but he was onto something when he said “the most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” The same can easily be said of of all classes.

Friend Laughter.

One of the founders of ProfeConnect agreed about how important laughter is in the classroom, not only for breaking the ice with students, but also for motivating them to participate and for providing a lively, entertaining environment. It goes without saying that laughter-inducing teaching techniques shouldn’t dominate one’s teaching style, but it’s so nice when a chuckle or two bubble up, even on a stressed day when students may be running late, a test looms, and a certain grammar point is still clearly out of reach. Those are the days when perhaps it’s most important to reassure students that you’re still having a good time here, so they should be as well.

Married Laughter.
Courtesy of Brent Mullins Photography.

So you start class with a laugh. Or you make sure to end the day with one. But whenever it happens, take the break it gives you. Relish the chance to live in the moment and forget whatever it is you’re worried about or preoccupied with that day. As Milton Berle said, “laughter is an instant vacation.” He’s right. Because laughter is one of those things where it is nearly impossible to do anything else at the same time.

BFF-Just-Can’t-Control-It Laughter.
Courtesy of Katie Barnes Photography.

It contorts your face and sometimes it even takes over your body to the point that you have to grab a seat and “get ahold of yourself.” I’m all for waiting as long as possible to get that hold because little beats riding out a good laugh all the way back to shore, then heading out again. I mean, take a look at this photo and try to walk and chew gum at the same time:

Wedding/YMCA/Wig Laughter.
Courtesy of Craig Paulson Photography and
The Bucha/Baran wedding of ’10

Here’s to finding the laughter today. Cheers!


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